The Immeasurably More Podcast

Climbing out of the lows of depression & anxiety - (MHAM - Episode 3)

Erin Kelly-Bean & Jill Kelly

When you're struggling in the midst of a season of depression and anxiety, it feels like the pit of darkness will consume you.
It can seem like there's no way out.
It feels like light will never return.
But... there's hope!
There's always hope!

You will not stay in the lows of depression forever.
You will come through the dark valley you're in.
But while you're in the valley, God is with you and He will comfort you!

Words to Remember:
"It's not always about climbing out but letting God climb down into the low with you." -Erin
"He never changes. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. He's eternal, all powerful, all knowing. He knows everything about you and loves you anyway, no matter what." - Jill

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. - Psalm 23:4

Everything we share regarding mental health is based on our own journey. We are not mental health professionals. Please understand that we are not suggesting that you do what we have done. We simply want to share our story in hopes of encouraging you in your own story.

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